The American Farm Bureau Federation, with state organizations spanning the region left devastated by Hurricane Helene, has published a list of resources providing aid to those hit by the hurricane. At its website, , the AFBF gives contact info for several relief options.
“In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, communities across the Southeast from Florida to Georgia, through the Carolinas to Virginia and Tennessee are picking up the pieces,” the site notes. “The devastation in rural and farm communities has been widespread, and it will be weeks—possibly months—before we know the full impact of the storm. Farm Bureau organizations across the region are providing resources for those affected and those looking to help their neighbors near and far. The American Farm Bureau will continue to pass along updates from our state Farm Bureaus as information becomes available.”
North Carolina
Individuals and groups are encouraged to help as well, the AFBF says, by donations and/or fundraisers, sending supplies to those in need, checking in, and offering encouragement to those impacted.
Photo credit, Adobe Stock: 2024 Hurricane Helene, Virginia