The Northern Colorado Onion Variety Field Day has been scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 31, in Brighton north of Denver.
A meeting from 8-10 a.m. will be held at the Adams County Regional Park & Fairgrounds, CSU Extension and Park Office
first floor meeting room in Brighton, with Dr. Thaddeus Gourd providing trial updates on 36 onion cultivars from eight seed companies. A self-guided trip to the onion field will follow to Sakata Farm’s Trial (Ewing Farm), which was planted on March 8, 2017.
The trial is approximately 14 miles north of the fairgrounds on Highway 85, with exact directions available from Dr. Gourd. Flags outline the research trial area, and beds are 30 feet long with two lines of onions per bed. GPS coordinates are 40°06’27.2″N Latitude and 104°48’59.8″W Longitude, and the elevation is 4882. The labeled plot stakes are at the north end of the bed.
Preceding the meeting and tour, a breakfast will be served. Dr. Gourd, Eric Hammond and Cassie Anderson expressed their thanks for participation, and for reservations for the breakfast, contact the staff at 303-637-8117 or