MARKET California Imperial Valley: Steve Gill with Gills Onions in Oxnard, CA, told us…
Market and Crop Update for April 6
April 6, 2017MARKET: Georgia-Georgia Sweets: Dan Borer with Keystone Fruit Marketing, Inc. in Walla Walla, WA,…
Market and Crop Update for March 30
March 30, 2017MARKET: Oregon: Mackenzie Mills at River Point Farms in Hermiston told us on March…
Market and Crop Updates for March 16
March 16, 2017MARKET Wisconsin: Doug Bulgrin with Gumz Farms in Endeavor, WI, told us March 15…
Market and Crop Updates for March 2
March 2, 2017MARKET Washington: Brenden Kent with Sunset Produce in Prosser reported on March 1 that…
Market and Crop Updates for Feb. 16
February 16, 2017MARKET UPDATE New York: Michelle Gurda at A. Gurda Produce in Pine Island said…
Market and Crop Update for February 2
February 2, 2017Market Update: Mexico: Don Ed Holmes at The Onion House in Weslaco, TX, said…
2017 Northern Colorado onion variety trials due Feb. 24
January 26, 2017Seed being submitted for the 2017 Northern Colorado onion variety trials is due no…
Market Update for January 19
January 19, 2017Northwest: John Vlahandreas with Wada Farms reported that recent weather “has definitely changed the…
Market Update for January 12
January 12, 2017Washington: Trish Lovell at Agri-Pack in Pasco said her area has been hit by…