It’s official. A reduced assessment from 10 cents to 5 cents per cwt for…
Idaho-E. Oregon
IEO Market update for Nov. 19
November 19, 2015Marc Bybee, president of Fiesta Farms in Nyssa, OR, reported that demand is very good…
Crop and market update for Nov. 12: IEO, Western Colorado, Rio Grande Valley, Texas
November 12, 2015IEO: Kent Sutherland, sales manager at J.C. Watson Packing Co. in Parma, ID, said…
Onion Market News from Around the Country, Nov. 5
November 5, 2015Washington: Jason Walker, vice president of sales at Bybee Produce in Prosser, said on…
2015 market continues to gain momentum; IEO reds could go ‘bonkers,’
October 22, 2015New York: Gurda Produce in Pine Island, NY, has wrapped harvesting and has 80…
Crop Update for Sept. 24
September 24, 2015Washington: Trish Lovell, sales manager at Agri-Pack LLC in Pasco, tells us that Washington…
Crop Update Sept. 17 – Colorado and Idaho E. Oregon
September 17, 2015Colorado: In northern Colorado, Ryan Fagerberg at Fagerberg Farms reported on Sept. 15, which…
Haun Packing says market good, onions ahead of schedule
September 9, 2015Haun Packing VP Herb Haun said the 2015 Treasure Valley got off to an…
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